Page 44 - CS06_Hudz
P. 44
Fructus Crataegi and Flores Crataegi
Species- Crataegus sanguinea Pall.
Family- Rosaceae
Active substances:
Flavonoids: derivatives of quercetin,
Hydroxycinnamic acids: collagen, coffee, chlorogenic
Flavonoids: crotenacin, dezacetylcratenazine,
Ramnopigenin, glucolyuteolin, cosmoses, routine, Quercetin,
astragalin, saponatrein, Naringen-5,7-diglycoside and 5,3'-
diglycoside,Eriodyktiola, hyperoside,
Anthocyanins, leikantootsiani
Triterpic saponins
Pharmacological effects
Although no specific mention has been seen for this species, the
fruits and flowers of many hawthorns are well-known in herbal folk
medicine as a heart tonic and modern research has borne out this
use. The fruits and flowers have a hypotensive effect as well as
acting as a direct and mild heart tonic. They are especially indicated
in the treatment of weak heart combined with high blood pressure.
Prolonged use is necessary for it to be efficacious. It is normally used
either as a tea or a tincture.